The international art project "City VS Quarantine" is a unique spatial photo installation, supplemented by audio-video-visual effects, the result of joint work of a team of curators, artists and architects of Lviv. The project was implemented jointly with the Lviv Union of Architects of NSAU and with the support of the Department of Culture, Nationalities and Religions of LODA.
The project presents photos of 168 authors from more than 80 countries from all over the world.
The main theme of the project "City VS Quarantine" - the reflection with a photo camera of a new, controversial reality for humanity, namely the forced mass stay in quarantine for a long period of time and life of the City during Quarantine.
List of countries that are in the project : Afghanistan, Albania, Antarctica, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Colombia, Congo, Cuba, Czech Republic, Chile, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Gaza Strip, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.
The art project "City VS Quarantine" is developing and curators continue to collect authors from other countries and grow.
With this symbolic art project, the organizers want to help the City in struggling against Quarantine and emphasize the importance of the cultural and artistic component in the life of every person and every city on our planet.
The purpose of the project "City VS Quarantine"
- Highlight the issue of social vacuum during quarantine restrictions
- Investigate the impact on the minds of city dwellers of restrictions on social
distances, movement and travel
- Provide an opportunity to share impressions and experiences gained during
- Show the general picture of changes in cities and society in different countries,
with different social status, income, geographical location, etc.
- Analyze similar and different processes in social groups from different cities
around the world and implement positive experiences to reduce the psychological
burden during lockdowns.
- Teach people to deal with a critical situation that is common to people around
the world, regardless of wealth, skin color and religion.
"City VS Quarantine"

Vlada Ralko
Kyiv, September-October, 2020
In quarantine, something happens over time, but rather, it is felt differently. Usually the passage of time is perceived through what can be called the course of things. We engage in various activities, move in space, make plans - and all this can both hide and manifest our time. Now almost every act is corrected by quarantine rules, which significantly limited the usual activity, which was a saving layer between us and the open universe. Now it feels as if someone has removed the protective screen, the atmosphere. We have to think about the simplest, namely, how to breathe, having lost that saving film of a normal life.
I deliberately equated such inconspicuous and at the same time defining things as time and breath. In places where people live in nature, it is felt much more clearly than in the city. Especially when you visit the same place regularly and seem to have studied it thoroughly. For example, Vladimir Budnikov and I visited our house in an endangered village. Returning there every new time, you not only understand how the regularity of nature year after year attracts what seemed to have already been mastered, "cultural", a kind of civilized island, but also feel how time passes, which at the same time the same and different . This is the feeling of the skin, the abdomen of what is changing, seemingly remaining in the same state. It is this annual repetition that emphasizes that it will never be the same again. But, if there was still a defense built from numerous possibilities
(It was not necessary to use them, it was enough just to have them), now we are open before time, without anything, without any armor, mortal.
In fact, perhaps this sharp feeling of being was so taken by surprise. Life was rebuilt in a strange way: it stratified, losing its past integrity, and some layers disappeared as superfluous. It was as if everything necessary for the simple needs of life was left, but suddenly zones of friction appeared in the places of loss. Traumatic areas were formed where there were previously casual conversations, inappropriate movements, actions, views - all that seemed to be a waste of time, a waste, a hindrance to useful activities. It turns out that these deceivers, a kind of fringe of reality, were something like an atmosphere to escape the burns of time.
I recently wrote that the danger that lurks in the breath indicates a state such as inspiration. Is it likely that breathing relief should go hand in hand with it?