The movie titled "Varenyky" is the second film in the series "Unusual People and Food", shot by the married couple of Lviv directors Sashko and Darina Balabai. The series "Unusual People and Food" is a concept of non-trivial cinema presentation that was first used by Sashko and Darina in their film "Borsch" and then in the movie "Varenyky" . In their works, they combine food and coverage of social problems, so it works better psychologically on the viewer's subconscious and is remembered at the reflex level, because eating is one of the main reflexes of the person. In 2018, "Varenyky" was honored at the WorldFest Houston's oldest Independent Film Festival in the "60 Minutes Documentary" category, and at many more specialized film festivals around the world.
The music for the film was written by the famous Ukrainian composer, the winner of numerous international competitions and festivals, the pianist Mike Kaufman-Portnikov.
The movie "Varenyky" shows the world through the eyes of unusual children and raises the subject of our society. The film's characters themselves are children with autism and Down syndrome from the Lviv Shadow Theater "Kartynka", who are cameramen, which makes the movie even more interesting.
The title of the movie - "Varenyky"is symbolic, and the filmmakers suggest to start viewing the picture from an unusual attraction - sculpting dumplings. Sashko and Darina are invited to join the action by spectators, festival visitors, unusual children and their parents. During such a joint affair, viewers will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the children in question in the film, to feel their peculiarity and to touch their world. For their part, special children are always happy to participate in various creative activities and to share their positive emotions with different people. This is what the directors felt about themselves during the filming of "Varenyky" .
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